FSB Tomahawk

327 Infantry Veterans - Vietnam War


Fire Support Base Tomahawk

Firebase Tomahawk, Phu Loc, Vietnam :: Former American Base as seen today


Thanks Hawk!

click on images

From: Curtis Wyman (cwyman@austin.rr.com)
To: davidj@screamingeagles-327thvietnam.com
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2007 10:49 PM

Subject: Tomahawk, June 1970


I was the FO with the infantry company on FB Tomahawk when it was hit in June, 1970. I agree with your comments about the single KIA that got hit with the illumination canister. I knew the guy at the time, but can’t remember his name.

I’m trying to find more contacts from that unit. Do you have names or links that I might try? I’d especially like to find the first sergeant and the recon sergeant that came with me from the artillery battery as the FO detail.

Tonight I found the name of the CO, Capt Robert Cox. As I remember it, we came in from the boonies one afternoon and partied all night long.

The next morning the old man was sorely pissed with the level of security. A number of folks hadn’t even put out their claymores.

Needless to say he and the top sergeant kicked our asses all day long and that night when the VC hit we were ready. I think the old man saved a lot of lives that day. The only thing that I have from the war is a sapper knife that I got the next day. It came from one of the dead VC.

Please send any other info that you have.


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