Project Name
Zallar, Butch
2nd Battalion,A Company
Vietnam 2nd battalion
Butch Zallar
A Company 1966

I was with A Company, 2nd/327th Infantry, second platoon, first squad on the 28th of August, 1966 when I was wounded and medivaced out, never to return. I was at the 85th Evac Hospital in Qui Nhon, the 36th Evac Hospital in Vung Tau and the 3rd Field Hospital in Saigon. From there to Yokota, Japan hospital and to Travis Air Base hospital in California. Finally to Fitzsimmons Hospital in Denver where I spent eight months before I was retired.
Guys from my outfit, as well as I can remember (ptsd-on meds) were Brasseau on the M-60, Jim Westover, Soupy Jones, Vermilion, and that’s all I recall…Any help you have is deeply appreciated..always an eagle.
Butch Zallar