Project Name
Taylor, Jesse
1st Battalion,Cobra Troops
Vietnam 1st Battalion
Jesse Taylor
C Company 1967 – 1968

SSGT Jesse Taylor
Cutthroat 1967-1968
4th Platoon , Squad Leader
2nd Platoon Leader
Phan Rang- AShau Valley
Warrior of The Month, 1st Brigade, September 67
19 April 68 air assault fire base to become Vehgle, one hell of a fight with NVA.
Silver Star
(3) Bronze Star w/v
(2) ARCOM w/v
Air Medal
Senior Jump Wings
Served with Capt. John, Capt. Westbrook and The best Officer in The 101st, Thomas J Kanane, served 6mo 4th Platoon Leader, 6 mo 1st Brigade LRRP Leader and 6 mo C Company Commander.
Retired, live in Anderson SC
Above The Rest
Airborne All The Way