Vietnam 2nd battalion
Nelson ``Chico`` Ramos
D, E Companies 1968 – 1969

Hannibal, Do you really think you can hook me up with some of the brothers that were in D 2/327 during the airstrike?
Here’s what I can remember:
I got in country (1st tour) MAY 1968
I was processed into Delta Co. (newly formed full of cherries)
CHARGER (Col. Beckwith) – was our Battalion Commander
AUG. 3rd or 4th – 2/327 among others, went into ASHAU VALLEY
AUG. 6th – my 19th birthdate (I was Pointman that day) It had been our squad’s turn at Point.
AUG. 9th – We were ambushed, losing both our POINT & SLACK
I can’t remember our KIA’s names, but I still to this day, remember their faces.
AUG. 10th – Our phantoms dropped (2-3) 750lb. bombs on us
KIA’s – 11 / WIA’s – 57
Many of the other elements (2/327) came to pick up what was left of us. Being one of the very few survivors who was Jump Qualified, I was picked up by THE HAWK RECON (TEAM 1-2). Shortly thereafter I became Pointman for our team.
MAY 1969 – I DEROSed from our second assault into ASHAU VALLEY
(Watching the outcome of what happened at the infamous Hamburger Hill Battle while I was home, on TV) BIG TIME DOWNER
Hannibal, If you can help me out to get in touch with any of the brothers out there who might remember me – THANKS