Vietnam 1st Battalion
Robert H. Mumblow
H & H (TF), A Companies 1967

I came in Country in Phan Rang early May 67. I was assigned to HHB 2/320th Arty. I volunteered to be a Recon Sgt and they sent me out with Tiger Force Lt. Wietzel (not sure of spelling) was the FO at the time. I stayed there in the Unit, Cpt McGaha was Commander.I was there for about 2 months if I recall. I was later assigned as an FO to A Co 1/327 under Cpt. Mitchell. I remained there until there sent me to a Special Forces (Mike Force Company) as an FO there. When the TF 3/506 came in Country, I was assigned as Arty Liaison Sgt there, Col. Gerrarcci was the Bn Commander. I returned back to the Tigers the same month Cpt McGaha was KIA. I then DEROS backed to the states and to the 82nd Abn Div. In 1970-1971 I returned back to the 101st to Camp Evens to an Arty Unit. I am now in Kosovo getting ready to come home after two years here as an International Police Officer and return back to NC.