Project Name
Medina, Sergio
1st Battalion,Cobra Troops
Vietnam 1st Battalion
Sergio Medina
C Company 1969 – 1970

I am Sergio Medina and served with Charlie 1st of the 327th between Dec ’69 till March 1970 at which time I got wounded.
I did operate in the PHU Bai area, Hue and after doing a 3 day In Country R & R in “Eagle Beach” we were sent to Quan Tri. We were supposed to go to the Ashau – they told us only 1/3 of us would make it there. It was shortly after the monsoon and so we went around clearing up LZ and other companies would follow.
I do remember getting a letter from Ron Grey. Also, our CO name was Captain “Godhe” (?? not sure of spelling) I also have an old newspaper that showed one operation that we participated in when I first got there.