Matthews, Don

327 Infantry Veterans
Project Name
Matthews, Don
1st Battalion,Delta Troops

Vietnam 1st Battalion

Don Matthews

D Company 1971

I was a voice intercept operator with the 265th Radio Research Company. I was attached to platoons from both battalions at various times in 1971.

I was with a company of 1-327 on the CA to the FB Fury AO on 14 April ’71. I was with a platoon from D/1-327 in late August/early September on the Dong A Tay (Bloody Ridge) complex. During this op, I found a battalion from the NVA 6th Regiment that was subsequently made combat ineffective with tacair and an Arclight. I’m most proud of my time supporting the 327th.

Don Matthews

This photo was taken on Co Pung, at the north end of the valley about 3 klicks NE of FB Airborne, in May ’71. I’m copying an NVA radio operator from our position in an old NVA tunnel dug into the side of the hill.

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