Masters, Bruce A.

327 Infantry Veterans - Vietnam War
Project Name
Masters, Bruce A.
2nd Battalion,A Company

Vietnam 2nd battalion

Bruce A. Masters

A Company 1966


Bruce A. Masters
76 Colonial Terrace
Bridgeton NJ 08302

Enlisted 15 June 64
ETS 14 June 67

Active Duty
Basic , Infantry AIT Ft. Gordon GA.
Jump School Nov 64.

C/2/325, 82nd Dec 64 – Dec 65…………… Dominican Republic, April – Sept 65
A/2/327, 101st Jan – June 66, Gunshot wound 6/21/66, Trung Luong
Hospital, 106 General in Yokohama, Japan then Ft Gordon.
Assigned B/2/501, 101st, March 67, Was golden until 1st Sgt. learned I was not going to re-enlist, then caught all details that a young E-5 was authorized to pull and then some.
Spent 22 + years in USAR from 72 – 94 with 11th & 12th SFGA, finished up an SFC.
Married, 2 daughters, 21 & 23, have BS in Microbiology, MS in Food Science Microbiology.
Born in South Portland ME but grew up in Florida, Dad military, retired there.

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As a suviour of Trung Luong, this really should not be about Bruce A. Masters or any individual but rather about soldiers doing what they had to do, about all Infantryman, either Paratroopers, Marines, straight or mechanized infantry or for that matter, any similar combat arms soldiers / GRUNTS ALL, and their loved ones. It happens to be about us, 2nd Bn. of the 327 Regiment of the 101st Airborne Divison.

Countless others, for Example:

Lt. Walter Eddy, my Plt. Ldr. Shot-up pretty bad in the village had 3 tours in Vietnam, Med-evaced from all three. Went in for corrective surgery in a VA hospital in the early 90’s. They severed his spinal column, is now wheel chair bound with all the other problems that go along with it

The Moms & Dads like those of Patrick Mooney, 1st KIA in the village, died in Lt. Eddy’s arms. When I finally met them in June of 99 they told me of the hate mail they had received after the notification of their sons’ death was made public. The letters stated that they were “happy to hear that their son got what he deserved” I will ALWAYS carry this with me. I had heard of this happening but thought it was an “urban legend” phenomenon. It is real.

The Bob Westover’s of Michigan, shot in the village, 6/20/66, “patched-up” & eventually sent back to the unit only to loose a leg to a land mine later that year.

McCorkle, wounded in the village, “patched up” & returned to duty only to end up on a KIA list later that same summer as many others did. Numerous others that were KIA on subsequent, mandatory, tours.

Countless others that served/bled & died. Many with no one to witness their sacrifice & deaths, except for dying friends and / or the enemy.

Most were simply youngsters, 18 – 22 years old. Many of the older, more experienced soldiers also paid dearly. A lot of us younger guys owe our lives to our friends and immediate leaders. I was, and to this day, still am proud of serving with the guys that I fought beside, bled with and damn near died with on MANY occasions, not just 6/18 – 21/ 66. Had 3 rounds off of my steel pot, two in March, one about 5 minutes prior to getting hit while returning fire with my machine gun. My thoughts are with them daily. Thank you guys!

Bruce A. Masters
A/2/327, 101st Abn.
2nd Plt. M-60 gunner