Vietnam 1st Battalion
Steve E. Entrekin
C Company 1965 – 1966

We have been informed that Steve Entrekin passed away on April 7, 2004
I was born on 12/25/46. I joined the Army after seeing one of their recruitment posters of a trooper holding an inflated parachute, and I said I have got to do that. I left about 3 days later for Jacksonville, Fl. for my physical and then left for Ft. Jackson, where I was issued my gear and went to Ft. Gordon for Basic and AIT. I graduated from jump school in Sept. and boarded a plane for Nam. I was to go to the 173rd but when I reached Saigon they changed my orders and sent me to the 101st. I think that was the only intelligent thing I ever remember the Army doing.
I have been married to my wife Cindy for 7 years. We got married the day we returned from the first and only reunion we have been able to attend. It sure was good to see all the guys again and I hope if everything goes all right we can attend again next year maybe.
We have four children between us Michele is 32, Pam is 30, Michael is 30, and Jeremy is 26. We have 7 grandchildren. We moved up here to Adel, IA. about a year ago after living in Florida all our lives. It was time for a change and it was a definite change, not only in respect to the the kindness of people, but weather also.