Project Name
Dean, Anthony
2nd Battalion,C Company
Vietnam 2nd battalion
Anthony Dean
C Company 1967 – 1968

Anthony passed away May 21, 2005. God Bless our brother.
Anthony is the second from the left, top row in the Kontum photo below. According to those that knew him, he was one hellava RTO!
Top row Left to right; Moses (from La ?) Tony Dean, Lyle Scott Dye, Kirk (Calif) Jeff Nichols, Smith ,?,? Evans (Philly), Hosteter (NJ)Carson (Cincinatti)
Second Row left to right; Johnny Albritton (La.), Grady, Sam Greer (Chicago), Thomas (Moose) Hoeniges (Bloomington, IL), Scott Rapier, Ken Potts, Stafford (only guy to catch Phubonic plague), Campbell, Frenchy
Bottom row left to right; ? , Sgt. Harvey, Sgt. Pryor,?, Sgt. Campbell (our first sniper) ,? , Sgt Lovett.