Project Name
Coleman Jr., James M.
2nd Battalion,B Company
Vietnam 2nd battalion
James M. Coleman Jr.
B Company 1968 – 1969

James M. Coleman, Jr. ….B-2/327th. 1st plt. (RTO) entered Viet-Nam, Jan. 68 to Jan. 69…I entered the military on July 6, 1967 – Sept. 73…I went to Jump school in Nov. 67 and then assigned to 82nd ABN. Div. until I got in country in Jan. 68 sometime later I was re-assigned to B-2/327th. 1st plt. (RTO), (infusion process)…. In June. 68, I got wounded in an ambush in the Ashua Valley, and received Purple Heart and a Bronze Star,….got sent to Camp Zama, Japan for medical treatment for 3-months then returned back to my old unit in RVN….. also received CIB and JOTC (Rep. of Panama, 1970)