Vietnam 1st Battalion
Don Cisar
A Company 1970 – 1971

My dads name was Don Cisar and he was a Vietnam Veteran. He never talked much about it, I can think of only a few stories in all my years. One had to do with Christmas 1970, which was very bad, and another was about how him and the guys used to pull pins on grenades, hold them and see who could get them to blow up in the air. He said they would do that for “fun”. Dad has since passed away due to a heart attack. April 23rd 2010. It was kinda coincidental that he left for the army on April 23rd 1970, forty years to the day. Anyways, my mom, brothers and I were going through some of his things this weekend and came across some of his Vietnam items. I picked out an old Zippo lighter that had this on the back:
And this on the front:
Assassins and the Airborne Screaming Eagle emblem.
I googled the 1/327th infantry and it led me to your website. I did not see my dads name on your list and thought I would drop you a line. He served from ‘70-71. Some of the guys I know of from his pictures were Allen Libbert, Buck and Drill. Him and Al Libbert have always kept in touch over the years and this year my mom received a very nice memorial book about dad along with pics from their time serving their country. I will try and get some copies of a pic or two and send it to you sometime.
Topher Cisar
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