Brown, Clarence F.

327 Infantry Veterans
Project Name
Brown, Clarence F.
1st Battalion,Brave Rifle Troops

Vietnam 1st Battalion

Clarence F. Brown

B Company 1965 – 1966

I was one of the original replacements for the 1st Brigade in November 1965. I was assigned to Company B, 1st Battlion, 327th Infantry. I was assigned to a M60 machine gun crew, that consisted of these individuals, Wise (Gunner), Keller (Asst. Gunner), Bradford (Ammo Bearer) and me, Brown (Ammo Bearer). Right after I got to Phan Rang, I was sent forward to a rubber plantation around Bien Hoa, Bien Cat area, and as soon as the Caribou landed we came under fire, and the Colonel was killed that was on the plane with us.

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