Vietnam 1st Battalion
Michael J. Allums
H & H (TF) Company 1967 – 1968

I Joined Tiger Force in May 1967, coming from the 9th Infantry Division’s Pathfinder Detachment. Then in December 1967, I spent three months with HHC, 1/327th, “Four Duce” Platoon. I was on FB Hawthorne March 19th 1968, when the Marines bombed us, I was two weeks from ETS.
I re-entered the Army September in September 1974. Retired January 2, 1992.
Live in Killeen, Texas,….. Working at Fort Hood.
Above the Rest

January 5, 2003
Just before I was reassigned to C Company, and while in Repo-Depo, I joined Tiger Force.
At one point SSG Trout was my team leader. I ETS’ed in April 1968, and reenlisted in September 1974.
While stationed with the 197th Infantry Brigade, on Kelly Hill, I ran into now SFC Trout. He is the only Tiger I’ve seen since Vietnam.
On October the 31st I had 99 radiation pellets implanted in my Prostate, to treat the Cancer. A couple of days ago I was told by my VA Doctor, that my PAS, test (Prostate Screening, I forgot what the A stands for), had lowered. I have an appointment every six months to check it out. Doctor Wurster said I’ll keep my VA Disability rating of 100%
Three days after the procedure, the radiation had a conflict with my Bipolar medication, and caused my Kidney to fail. It was three days before I was taken to the VA Hospital, in Temple Texas. During those three days, I lost all desire for food,(It tasted bitter), I had Hallucinations, and I did not know where I was at. When I tried to speak, I made no sense to any one. My daughter drove me to the Hospital, I stayed in ICU for five days.
God Bless the The Staff of the VA Hospital. I spent another five weeks there, before going home. I only ramble on like this, because I know that some of my Tiger Force Brothers, and all Screaming Eagles can use my experience as a tool for having their PSA test done, and have early detection on their side.
With Much Love in my Heart,…I remain a “Tiger”………. Mick

Summer, 1966 photo, of some of the members of the 9th Infantry Division Pathfinder Detachment.
We made three jumps, at Fort Riley, prior to sailing to Vietnam, (USNS Geiger), January 1967. Two from “B” model Hueys, and one from a H-34, Marine medivac Chopper.
Our Detachment NCOIC, SSG Williams, seated right side of photo, was kept from going to Nam with us, due to ruptured ear drums he incurred while with the 1st Infantry, on a previous tour to Vietnam. Thats me standing in the right side of the photograph. You see……It took all kinds to make up Paratroopers of Tiger Force!