Project Name
Ackerman, Don “Doc Magoo”
1st Battalion,ABU Troops,Brave Rifle Troops,Cobra Troops,Delta Troops,H&HC Troops,Tiger Troops
Vietnam 1st Battalion
Don ``Doc Magoo`` Ackerman
H & H, A, B, C, D, TF Companies 1968 – 1970

I was assigned to HHC in 5/68 to 1/70. Served with Tigers for about 6 wks (to 6/19 wounded), when I came back from the hospital went to ABU Company till sometime in June or July of 69, then went to TOC aide stations. From there I went out in the field as a replacement medic to all companies (A,B,C,D, Tigers) when one of the other medics went on R&R, etc., (wounded). Went back out to Tigers (with LT. Cook) until Christmas 69. Then left 1/327 went to a hospital in Long Bien where I ets’d in August of 70.
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