Terence Pratt

327 Infantry Veterans
Terence Pratt

Terence Pratt

Vietnam - 2nd Battalion

Terence Pratt

I took jump training at Ft Bragg in 1965, Was in the 2/504th Airborne Battle Group, Company “C” MSGT Randleman was the Plat Daddy at that time. Cpt Stovall was the Co Cmdr. I was a Corporal at the time, got the hard stripe courtesy of not making it through OCS, they converted my specialist stripe to an NCO rating due to the intensive leadership training at Benning School for boys, they said my sense of humor was keeping me from being a 2d looey.

I was assigned to the 2/327 in Dec 1967 through Feb 1968, I was commo Sgt of, I believe, the 2d Platoon.

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