
327 Infantry Veterans

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329 entries.
bill nelson bill nelson from Yorktown heights wrote on October 8, 2023 at 7:04 am
11/6/69-11/6/23 54 years ago my dear Friend John Ward 2/327th was killed serving in Vietnam.
I was with the 2/502nd in the same operations regiment .
God bless John and all the others who fell serving in Vietnam . Never forgotten !!
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Thomas Randall Thomas Randall from Hollywood wrote on September 19, 2023 at 6:45 pm
Your brother, Dominick "Nick" Fondo, A CO 1/327th has joined his departed brothers. His heart stopped last Saturday , September 16, 2023. I gave a eulogy last night; he is one of those heroes on whose shoulders I stand. I am proud of ALL of you that served in the 'Nam.
Thomas Randall, CW2 TC, ret. 1st Gulf War and other OOTWs
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Gordon Licon Gordon Licon from Sandpoint, ID wrote on September 6, 2023 at 6:32 pm
Discard 56 Oscar Romeo of Delta team from 71 ... Delta team
AO Birmingham ... or Fire Base Rockasan , Camp Eagle/Camp Evans
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Dan French Dan French from Lake Arrowhead California wrote on August 26, 2023 at 3:15 pm
Sgt. Dan French. I was an Original Hawk Vietnam 1965-65. I am hoping to hear from the Original Hawk Platoon.
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Scooter duhaime Scooter duhaime from Topeka wrote on August 24, 2023 at 8:35 pm
Looking for anybody who may have served with

Danny Wayne Jarvis
KIA 30 April 1969 Quang Tri province
served with Company A, 1st Battalion, 327th Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division.
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John Steel John Steel wrote on August 22, 2023 at 6:30 am
This website is very important.
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Bo Wright Bo Wright from Wilmington wrote on August 17, 2023 at 5:30 am
Hi Martha,
My name is Bo Wright. I remember Tom Dooley from ABU.
I would be thankful if you would send me the digitized photos.
Email is

Thak you!
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Martha Dooley Van Dyke Martha Dooley Van Dyke from Ricky River Oh wrote on August 15, 2023 at 3:50 pm
I have multiple photos that I digitize from negatives I found in my brother Thomas M Dooley's (ABU) things. I do not know who anyone is but wonder if I send them if they will be of some help to anyone searching.

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Kerrin Einrem Kerrin Einrem from Sioux Falls , SD wrote on August 7, 2023 at 8:38 am
Hi Everyone,
I am in need of some help for James Einrem. He served in the Army 1966-67 in Viet Nam with the Tiger s. Upon returning he had his service belongings lost in a fire. Unfortunately upon returning he didnโ€™t register. He was a medic while there was injured and sent home. He has been trying for years to get some VA help but no one can find anything. He doesnโ€™t remember any other number except his SS number as his. His DD214 they say isnโ€™t that. Please if someone wants more info about Jim and his service. Please contact me. His PTSD is bad as is his health. Thank you.
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Gerald Barnes Gerald Barnes from Maryville, TN wrote on July 29, 2023 at 8:03 am
I just discovered that this site is back!! I used to spend time here, and have just begun reading the guest book, back to the last time I was here.

I commanded B Company, 2/327th (No Slack) in 1970 and 1971. I also noticed that the pictures I posted a long time ago, were recovered.
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