Troopers Category: H&HC

327 Infantry Veterans - Vietnam War

Beegle, Chuck

Vietnam 2nd battalion Chuck Beegle H & H, C Companies 1966 - 1967 Enlisted 1961, jump school Ft Bragg, NC. Nov 61. We were tha last divisional jump school class. After that all basic jump tng done at Ft Benning. Went into the 82d Airborne, 82d PPM&AD (parachute rigger). Went to Japan in 1963, [...]

Andersen, Larry J.

Vietnam 2nd battalion Larry J. Andersen H & H, A Companies 1965-1966 Larry J. Andersen Yes, I went over on the barge Eltinge, all 28 days worth. I didn’t do a full tour; I DEROS’d out 11 months 8 days. DD214 lists a CMB. Later I was notified that I was awarded a ACM. [...]

Beal, Larry

Vietnam 2nd battalion Larry Beal C, H & H Companies 1970 - 1971 I was in C company the first few months in country, I was then transferred to Headquarters company after my hearing went bad. I was then a truck driver for supply. Spent a lot of time at Camp Eagle. But remember [...]

Bagley, Norm

Vietnam 2nd battalion Norm Bagley H & H, A & B Companies 1966 - 1967 I arrived in country 30 April 1966. Assigned to HHQ 2/327 and attached to B Co. 3rd. platoon as a Medic in Tuy Hoa. Humped around there for awhile breaking in all us new guys. Seemed like we were [...]

Arnold, Ted

Vietnam 2nd battalion Ted Arnold H & H Company 1966 - 1967 My father is MSgt Ted Arnold of the 327 Headquarters Co. and served under Col. Joe Wasco, the Bn CO. Bud Arnold click on images below Back to the Troopers

Apraham, Greg

Vietnam 2nd battalion Greg Apraham H & H Company 1967 click on images I was a Patrol Leader (Hawk 1-2) with the Reconnaissance Platoon. Arrived in country early January 1967, wounded September 1967 and returned to CONUS in November 67. Entered the Army 7/7/64 Basic at FT Dix, A/8/3 Infantry Trng at FT Gordon [...]