Memorial Day May 30, 2006

327 Infantry Veterans

327th Infantry

Memorial Day May 30, 2006

by Ted Luna


Boots well worn
Long ago to tight
Morning dawn
To twilight time
You still march in line
Rest will come
You know not where
Final rest never to be
You are in the infantry.

Fly! Fly! Birdmen of the sky
Higher faster
Ever then before
Eagles here never soar
Seeing our world the wing man turns
Clouds appear
For you been in space
For which you have graced.

The color blue
Ships on the sea
Racing the waves
Shore line never to see
Air is salty
Coating your spirit
The course is set
Much to your regret
It takes you from home
Sailor of destiny.

Starting long ago
Marines you were called
Special guardians
With es-spirit d cor
Proud as men can be
Your title for life
First to appear
Last to leave
History unraveled
Legacy decreed.

Where are you son
Why are you there
A place called Nam
Feeling the pain
Who can you trust?
No one I can’t see
Why can’t you see?
Tears cloud my eyes.

Comrades in arms new found friends
Blown to paddies
Huey to retrieve
Body bags galore
Some in air hammocks
Dangling from the sky
I shay away from the replacement
Close I don’t want to be
Yet I love him
The mirror is me Dad I just want to be.

Ted Luna is the Architect of the Chapel at the Vietnam Veterans National Memorial in Angel Fire, New Mexico, and a Korean Veteran USN Air

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