Looking for Lost 327th Brothers

327 Infantry Veterans - Vietnam War

Looking for Lost 327th Brothers


I am in the Private Investigations Business and would be willing to help you guys in locates of our brothers out there that need to be found. I am not half bad at running down missing persons and in these cases it is not like the people are trying not to be found.

I would need as much info as you would have available, FULL name, Social Security #, Service #, some type of past living (home town) heard he moved to Texas, worked in Mobile, things like that. I cannot promise miracles but after having read some of the posts where people are trying to find people who served with their sons or husbands it might just help.

Oh, I forgot to mention the cost, the same as it was over Nam, a smile, and fraternal friendship, OK, maybe that is too much to ask, a smile would do. Just my way of trying to contribute.

Medic- A Co 2/327 th Duc Pho era

Barry W Fox & Associates, Inc.
A Full Service Investigative And
Security Consulting Company
From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
PO Box 98111
Pittsburgh Pa. 15227
(412) 884-6691
(412) 884-5649 Fax
(412) 644-3944 Pager
Pennsylvania License 00-524


I am a former SF soldier, now in the JAG corps (back injury). I am an E-7 on active duty, and 1 year from retirement. I recently returned from Afghanistan.
I am writing to see if you have any info on a true friend of mine whom I believed served in 2nd Bn, 327th Inf. He was drafted and served in Vietnam for at least 2, possibly 3 tours.
His name is Larry Keese (Possibly nicknamed “Bones”). He was drafted. He states he was initially an Asst M60 Gunner, then an M60 operator, then a Co RTO.
I was young when he returned from Vietnam, He bought me my first Motorcycle. Most recently we completed restoring my old Harley together. He is a righteous brother, and I wish to learn some more of his and his units experiences. He has often opened up to me, but is fairly humble when speaking of his duties as an infantryman.
Any info on his unit of assignment would be appreciated.

I’m looking for anyone who knew either of my parents in Vietnam. My father’s name is William Charles Martindale (he was probably called either “Bill” or “Charles” by his friends.) I believe he served in the 101st Airborne from approximately 1967-1969. We were reunited in approximately 1995, but sadly he passed away last year. I’m looking for friends who can share some stories about him back in the days!
My Vietnamese mother worked as a secretary in Long Binh, where she met my father. Her name is Anh Thi Hoang. She tells me that she had many American friends while she worked there.
If anyone knew either of my parents, and have some stories to share, please feel free to contact me.

Thomas Martindale Hoang

Can you help me locate one of your PIOs, SSG Art Campbell. Would you please post this picture of him on your website. He left the 327th and became the PIO Lab Sgt. at Phan Rang during my tour (67/68). I have attached a photo of Art when he was doing PIO work with the 327th. I need to get in touch with him badly. He has many of my Vietnam photos and slides and I sure would like to get some of them back. We were good friends and I hope he is still alive and kicking.

Jerry in Montana

SSG Art Campbell

My friend Brian Wallace is listed as one of your members. I played football with Brian in high school. He was one great guy. I was wondering what info you guys have that you could share with me.
I served with the 47th scout dog platoon in ’69- 2nd brigade 101 airborne.


I have had this picture since 1968…sent home to me by Johnny….don’t know who they are….
put it out PLEASE to A 2 327th..lets see who we find..

Dava (John’s widow) Davadear@aol.com

Sgt. Jay Thompson

My father was Sgt Jay Thompson…he served in the 2nd BN 327th..in March of ’66 he was wounded in action resulting in the loss of his right leg (blown off by grenade if you can believe it)…prior references stated he was in area or actually at Tuy Hoa when it happened.

When my father was wounded he was actively engaged with “Operation Harrison”. The date of his wounding would be either March 6, 10, or 13th….some confusion on this part but it would have been early part of March. Additional info is that his injury was unusual in that the grenade blew off his leg at hip….in other words a complete separation of leg at hip…not lower leg or amputation by docs…a complete separation. I’m interested in any information or contacts concerning my father and the time he spent there. He survived and raised three sons who all served with honor in the Army….all airborne. Unfortunately he died of cancer in Feb ’93 and to this day I wished I had engaged him further on his past. Any help you can give me would be appreciated. Thank you for your time.

Jay Thompson Jr.

Previous Command Sergeant Majors of the 327th Infantry Regiment

The Bastogne Brigade has embarked in an ambitious research program to recreate the historical record of SGM/CSM’s of the 327th Infantry from March 1942 to the present. References from Pratt Museum, unit historical records, and most importantly, veterans and supporters of the Bastogne Brigade will make this project a success. If you have any information or corrections please contact 1LT Shaun Reynolds at shaun.reynolds@us.army.mil, or mail information to:
ATTN: 1st BDE S-5
1LT Shaun Reynolds
Bldg 3780, Indiana and 53rd St
Fort Campbell, KY 42223

SGM Dune
1965-1966 (VN)

SGM Prieto
1966 (VN)

SGM Young
1967 (VN)

CSM Huff
1968 (VN)

CSM Grady Trainor

CSM Harvey Applemen
1974 – 1977

CSM JD. Corbett
1977 – Aug 1978

CSM Richard Turner
Aug 1978

CSM Alfred Walker
Early 1980

CSM Fritz Hitzler
1983 – 1987

CSM Grady Sanders
1987 – 1990

CSM Robert Nichols
1990 – May 1994 (DS/DS)

CSM Charles W. Fitzpatrick
June 1994 – May 1997

CSM Jon Cornett
May 1997 – March 2000

CSM Charles Spears
March 2000 – May 2001

CSM Bart E. Womack
May 2000 – June 2004 (OIF)

Ernie L. Moore . . . can you help?

According the the Intel we have received from his widow….Ernie L. Moore arrived in country July 1969 and was assigned to the 2/327th, Bravo Company. Sometime in April 1970, he and a few others from the 2/327th were sent to the 3/506th Currahees for the Cambodia campaign. Sgt. Romo, PSG, 2/327th, also transferred with Ernie. Romo was a guy from Mexico City and a real infantry leader…balls of steel. We didn’t know him either at the time. He stood up with his shaved head and directed fire the first three days of action. No Fear!!

We didn’t know Ernie since he was with us for literally a few days. The Currahees of the 3/506th made a battalion combat assault on May 5, 1970 across from Pleiku due west into the Se San Valley of Cambodia. The stuff was hot from the get go. We immediately made contact and captured a few gooks. I remember one was on a bicycle with a radio.

No doubt Cambodia was a haven for the NVA. We made contact daily during the first four days. On May 10, 1970, Bravo Company walked into a battalion size ambush. We were engaged from 1000 hrs to approx 1900 hrs. We lost 8 fine men that day and 27 wounded. I was wounded that same day.

Ernie L. Moore was KIA May 10, 1970. Ernie was born in Muskegon, Michigan and moved to Spring Lake, Michigan a few years prior to his deployment to Vietnam.

Ken Gow, No Slacker, was kind enough to respond and offer some info two months ago. He thought he knew Ernie, but no dice. Gow did mention that he knew of some No Slackers who were to be transferred to another unit and he was glad he didn’t go. Apparently, some No Slackers knew it was going to be a bad scene. He mentioned that some seasoned grunts were tapped for the assignment. Ernie had been in-country 301 days when he was KIA’d.

That’s about all I have on Ernie. Surely, someone from the 2/327th remembers him. Romo does recall seeing him and has spoken to his widow. There’s got to be someone who was tight with Ernie who could shed some light on his Vietnam experience. Romo was involved in taking bodies wrapped in ponchos to the medivac choppers the following morning…11 May 70.

We also received some transferrees from the Big Red One at the same time. Wild times!!

Ernie L. Moore is honored at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on panel 10W, Row 014. He’s interred in Spring Lake, MI. You’ve got the pics.

Rich in H-Town

From: Kimberly Extine
Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2006 10:00 PM
Subject: Harley Extine


I am in search of men who served with my father Harley Extine when he served in Vietnam. He was an E6 at the time (retired CSM) and served in the 2d Battalion (Airborne) 327th Infantry, 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne.

Can you be of any assistance? I appreciate your time and dedication.

Thank you sir,

Dr. James and Kimberly Extine

30 thoughts on “Looking for Lost 327th Brothers

  1. Ted “Doc” Gearing

    Hey, Hillbilly….Doc Gearing here. Where are you living now? On the Missouri Ozarks, where I was born and raised. Guess that makes me a hillbilly too.

  2. Randal Underhill

    I received an email from a woman in Florida whose son purchased a home near St. Petersburg, FL that contained a box of letters written home by PFC Larry P. Andrews, A Co 1/327th INF. I cannot confirm the post date on the attached letter until later today, but it appears by other letters, he was at Ft. Benning in 1966.

    They are trying to locate the soldier or his family to return the letters. I was wondering if you possibly had any information that would help narrow it down. She believes by the addresses that he lived in Pinellas Park, Kenneth City or St. Petersburg, FL. Thanks for your time.


    Randal Underhill
    Executive Director
    101st Airborne Division Assn
    Screaming Eagle Foundation
    Office: 931-431-0199

  3. hannibal-327infantry

    Sp/4 Gary Wisiner reassigned from 3/506th to A-1/327 in March of ’68. One month later, on April 29, 1968, he was killed near FB Veghel with A or B-1/327. If you knew Gary or know about events surrounding his stay with ATR or his death, please contact me (hannibal@327infantry.org).

    1. Served in the 2/327 2 platoon 1969 to 1970

  4. HAWK RECON 2/327 from December ’69 to May ’70 then S-3 Air from May ;70 to November ;70

  5. Wow that was unusual. I just wrote an very long comment but
    after I clicked submit my comment didn’t show up.
    Grrrr… well I’m not writing all that over again. Anyways, just wanted to say excellent blog!

  6. James Short, when you wrote on 12/28/23, I was still in rehab after having an emergency Appendictomy on 12/06/23. Then came home on 1/01/24. What a way to start the new year. Most of the surgery wounds have healed over except for one, the largest. And I haven’t got much strength, well stamina is a better description. One day at a time. Cell ph is 989-763-2043. Text me. I’m in touch with Oates, Ted Gearing, Steve Amundson and trying to connect again with Buddha Jones. Last time I had contact with him, I was not in a good place. My wife passed away 6⅓ years ago after 17 years with early-onset dementia. It’s taken me years to come out of the funk.

  7. “Buddha” here. Shoot me an email.

  8. My name is Meagan. My dad was in Vietnam in 1971-1972. His name is Gwindell “Fritz” Kay. He was in “NO”SLACK” battalion 2nd BN. (AMBL) 327th INF., 101st ABN. DIV. (AMBL). I have so many pictures of others that I found and would love to find more information or someone who may remember my father. He got diagnosed with Metastatic Cancer and I want to know all there is to know. I was a “love child” so he was 41 when I was born. He is now 71 years old today. I have so much gratitude in my heart for each one of you who served our country. Thank you

  9. Looking for E4 J.C. Campbell Original Hawk Platoon Vietnam 1965-1966

    1. That was my unit send some picture

  10. Trying to locate John Snelling. Grew up with him and his brother Dennis in New Jersey.

  11. Hello,

    I am trying to find some info on my uncle Robert Flynn who was a medic or a medical orderly in the 327th his name was (he passed a few years ago) Robert Flynn of Arlington Ma.
    Thank you John Flynn

  12. served feb 71-jan72 1/327 as11B D & C co. Cpt. Quigley plt. leader

  13. I was Plt Leader A/2/327 from Dec 68 to Aug 69. As circumstances evolved I lead all three Platoons. In May 69 in the Ashau Valley, I had a 155mm friendly fire incident. The most seriously wounded was a PFC Ringl, 2d platoon. He was dying in my arms, mostly from shock. I slapped and beat him in the face and luckily revived him, screaming for him not to quit as no one quits on me. Thanks to two very brave Dustoff pilots who flew in after dark without gunship cover, I got all of my wounded out.
    Late May 69 I received a letter from PFC Ringl, postmarked (Air?) Force Postal Service APO96267, return address “249th Gen Hospital, APO 96267, Ward 884C”. He thanked me for beating his face and saving his life, (this is my most precious possession from Vietnam). I believe he wrote this left handed as his right was horribly wounded. Any help finding him would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks, Eugene S Lee

  14. I am searching for SGT Robert Mohs. He was in the HHC, 1st BN, 327th Inf, 101 ABN Div. On June 16TH 1967, he sat next to my Uncle, Lawrence Howard Mitchell on a Hewy that took fire. My Uncle and others where killed but Robert Mohs survived. I’d like to hear from him and hear of what led up to the incident. Thank You

    1. Jorge l ortiz virella

      New Sgt Allen Logan Jr. he passed on April 15

      1. Richard Washburn

        I have since learned of Robert P Mohs passing on 5 March 2022. https://dailyinterlake.com/news/2022/mar/30/robert-paul-mohs-77/

  15. I was a shake & bake Sgt E-5 who arrived in country on 26Jan70 and within a few days was assigned to 2nd platoon, “B” Co., 1/327 under the command of Cpt. “Terrible” Terry Mills.
    I served later in my tour as squad ldr of 1st sqd. Some of the men in my platoon were “Buddha” Jones, O’Berry, Hillbilly, Tennessee Miller, West-By-God, Johnny Johnson, SSG Robert Boles, Gabe Tartaglia, Schmidt, Bill Noble, “BS” Benson, Pat Kunnert, Don “Hippie” Hobart, & Dave “Chickenman” Sund, Brooklyn, and many others whose names I’ve forgotten during the past 52 years.

    I finally left for my twice bumped R & R in late November ’70, to meet my fiancee in Hawaii, and on my return to my company hq at Camp Eagle, was informed of my early-out status and would be going home in 10 days! The next morning I was escorted onto an outgoing bird to rejoin my platoon for 8 days. However, I never made it that far. Somehow I ended up on a 2nd chopper headed back to Eagle, and I ghosted for those 8 days, reported on the night of 16Dec70, and after a chewing out by the Top, left VN on the 17th.

    1. Hey Robert. I just happened to plug in a few Vietnam things and up came your posting. I joined 101st in March of ’70 and was also a shake and bake. So I was made squad leader of 2nd squad B Co., 1/327th. Myself and 3 others were wounded trying to get to a chpper that was shot down 6/5/70 on the side of Hill 882 outside of FB Veghel. Some of the guys you mentioned were in my squad like Tenneesee (slack man) with Cpt. Mills and SFC Boles in HHQ. Kept in touch through my RTO at the time and heard about Boles and his errant grenade throw. Bummer. Boles was one of the good ones. Anyway, I have a few pics left (house fire in 2020 got everything) so let me know if you need any other info. I’ll probably be at the Shake & Bake reunion this fall cause they will be in D.C. so let me know if you are attending and we’ll hook up then,

      1. Also, your comment on a reunion is the first I’ve heard about one. Where can I find the info?

      2. Somehow my first comment didn’t post. Your name sounds faintly familiar,but I don’t remember you exclusively. It has been 53 years since. If I had a picture, that would help. Do you remember a medic, “Doc” ( yeah, they all went by that) Gearing, full name Ted W. Gearing? I heard from him a couple of months ago. He was in 2nd Platoon B Co. also in 1970. He knew/knows many of the same men you & I mentioned. I also heard from Tom “Buddah” Jones and William Noble many years ago (2000 or 2001) but not since. Oh, and Don Hobart recently. Email me for more details.

        1. Yep. Know them all. Doc is the one that patched me up when we got ambushed. Most people don’t remember me cause I got hit after 3 only months there. Been in touch with a lot of them but not lately. I’ll see what pics I have left and get you some in the next few days. Also I’ll dig up the email for the guy running the show for the reunions. They happen every other year usually hold them at Ft. Benning. I’ll be in touch.

        2. Served with the Abu 1/327 as a machine gunner hit at Dak-to in 1966

        3. Hey Robert Frazee, my name is John Oates. I was with you in Vietnam. I have at least one picture of you. I was there July 70 – July 71. A lot of those names are familiar. Benson took me under his wing. Thankful. Curious what the “BS” with the Benson is. I looked for you before. Never found you. I had an address in California I believe. I have found a few guys. Not everyone wants to be found. I would be interested in communicating. Tried finding Rance Boling (spelling?) I walked slack for him until he went home. Hope to hear back from you.
          John Oates

          1. Ted “Doc” Gearing

            We called Benson “Booray” After some confusing card game that he liked to play where he usually won the money. BS was probably what he was full of. Doc

    2. I remember you David Sund, Buddha, Oberry West by god Dunn, Noble, Boles and Captain Terry Mills. I was point and sund was my slack my name is James Short AKA Hillbilly I would really like to hear from you it’s been over half a century when we were the boys in the bush on 882 trying to find the downed loach that was way down the finger.

      1. Hi “Hillbilly”- This is “Buddha”. How the heck are you? Shoot me an email

        1. Hey Buddha Hillbilly here how are you it’s been so long ago but it only seems like yesterday.How have you been? I am still kicking
          And have lived in Colorado Springs
          for the past 51 years or so.
          I found this site not to long ago and and spotted you and Frazee
          on this site and trying to make contact. my email jmshort0115@gmail.com.

    3. Frazee I served with you in B co 1/327 Inf I remember most of the men you mentioned in your post my name is James short better known there as Hillbilly would like to get in touch with you, It has been over half a century when I last saw you.

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