I Am An American Soldier!

327 Infantry Veterans

327th Infantry

I Am An American Soldier!

by Susan Paredez

Contributed by Roy Aguero, written by his niece, Susan Paredez, who is a school teacher and wrote this for her nephew.

He cries out in his loudest voice…I AM AN AMERICAN SOLDIER!

He IS a soldier in his green uniform. Standing straight and tall. His eyes focused on one…his superior. Awaiting instruction…listening for the command.

I AM A WARRIOR AND A MEMBER OF A TEAM…yet again he calls out with all his might. He means it. I can see it in his eyes. A warrior…that’s a strong word…for a new strong man…a warrior.

I SERVE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES AND LIVE THE ARMY VALUES…He says this with every hope of fulfilling his promise. He serves me and all those around me. How grateful I am…will HE know how much I love and appreciate him?

I WILL ALWAYS PLACE THE MISSION FIRST! He calls out with no fear…he is just beginning this life. How he believes these words…I stand listening in awe.

I WILL NEVER ACCEPT DEFEAT. I WILL NEVER QUIT…I love this part. He says this with more feeling…I see his head move as if accenting each word. In his actions I read, “No matter what comes my way…I WILL succeed. I will use the gifts that have been given to me.”

I WILL NEVER LEAVE A FALLEN COMRADE…this haunts me…brings tears to my eyes…do they know that this is my boy…I know that he means this with all his heart…with every fragment of his being…he will never leave his buddies…and they in turn will not leave him…he is with the BEST. They will love and fight like family but no matter what he WILL come home.

I AM DISCIPLINED, PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY TOUGH, TRAINED AND PROFICIENT IN MY WARRIOR TASKS AND DRILLS…again is the yell…I know he is. He wouldn’t be here if he wasn’t…I’ve heard his stories…his excitement in all his accomplishments.

I MAINTAIN MY ARMS, MY EQUIPMENT, AND MYSELF…seeing him with his gear…that is all his…he knows what each is for…the damage that he can cause and the damage that can happen…

I AM AN EXPERT AND I AM A PROFESSIONAL.. At a moment’s notice he is ready…these words have been said over and over…the training is complete…real life is waiting…

I STAND READY TO DEPLOY, ENGAGE, AND DESTROY THE ENEMIES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IN CLOSE COMBAT…I don’t like this part…it scares me…he’s ready to serve…will he be deployed…most likely…something that I wouldn’t admit to my mother…his grandmother…when she asked me with tears in her eyes…

I AM A GUARDIAN OF FREEDOM AND THE AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE…he is a guardian…All I see is his goofy smile…his joking ways…his loving embrace…and yet he will protect all that many have fought for…our freedom…the different ways that we choose to live our lives…without question my boy will go where he is called because


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