History of the 327th Infantry Regiment

327 Infantry Veterans

327th Infantry Regiment

History of the 327th Infantry Regiment

The 327th Infantry Regiment traces its history to the 164th Infantry Brigade of the 82nd Infantry Division at Fort Gordon, Georgia. The 327th Regiment was constituted 5 August 1917 in the National Army as the 327th Infantry from the 164th Infantry Brigade. As part of World War I, the newly formed 327th Infantry Regiment saw its first combat in the St. Mihiel Offensive, when it defended the Lorraine Front in France. The Regiment later fought the great Meuse-Argonne offensive and conducted the historic flank attack on Argonne as the first American Expeditionary force to pierce the formidable Kriemhilde Stellung.

After briefly demobilized as part of the Reserve, the Regiment was again called to active duty to defend the nation. The 327th Glider Infantry formed at Camp Claiborne Louisiana on 16 August 1942 and activated as part of the newly formed 101st Airborne Division. The 327th Infantry Regiment arrived in the European Theater of Operations on September 15, 1943. On June 6, 1944 the 327th Regiment entered combat during the invasion of Normandy, Operation Overlord, which was the largest seaborne invasion in history. The 327th continued to serve valiantly during World War II, participating in Operation Market-Garden, the airborne invasion of Holland in September 1944. The 327th gliders, alongside Allied paratroopers, gained control of main supply routes and bridges within the German-occupied Netherlands. Of all the 327ths heroic endeavors, the sacrifices made at the city of Bastogne, Belgium, from December 16, 1944, through early January 1945, have earned the 327th Airborne Infantry Regiment international fame. The 327ths accomplishments at Bastogne were essential to the allied victory at the Battle of the Bulge, earning the name “Bastogne Bulldogs.” On November 30th, 1945, the 327th Airborne Infantry Regiment was inactivated. From June 1948 to July 1965, the Regiment went through various reactivations and re-designations ending as the 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division.

On February 3rd, 1964, the 1st Brigade became the first unit from the 101st Airborne Division to deploy to Vietnam. The 1st Brigade participated in over 40 combat operations during Vietnam, to include, the Defense: Counteroffensives I through VII; the Tet Counteroffensive; Consolidation I and II; and the Ceasefire. From 1965 through 1972 the 2nd Battalion, 327th Infantry earned its title “No Slack!” while fighting for seven consecutive years without respite in the Vietnam War Theater. No other Battalion has spent as much time deployed in theater as the “No Slack” Battalion. On April 6, 1972, the 101st Airborne Division returned home to Fort Campbell where it has since resided.

On February 24th, 1991, the 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division participated in the largest helicopter Air-Assault mission in military history as part of the offensive to drive Iraqi forces from Kuwait during Operation Desert Storm.

Since Operation Desert Storm, the 1st Brigade remained actively involved in peacekeeping operations throughout the world, to include Sinai, Egypt, Port-au-Price, Haiti, and Kosovo until redeployment on 15 February 2001.

On March 1, 2003, the 1st Brigade deployed to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and returned home early the following year. The 1st Brigade was noted for liberating 840,000 people in the city of An Najaf; protection the supply lines for the 3rd Infantry Division, and assaulting north into Nenewah Province just south of Mosul.

In September 2005, the new “modularized” 1st Brigade Combat Team returned to Iraq and assumed duties in the most ethnically diverse area in Northern Iraq, centered on the city of Kirkuk. During OIF 05-07, the 1st BCT, developed, trained, and validated the 2nd and 3rd Brigades, 4th Iraqi Army Division. The 1st BCT left Iraq in September 2006 with the Iraqi government and security forces developing systems to provide basic services and security to the citizens of Iraq.

In September 2007, the 1st BCT returned again to Northern Iraq during OIF 07-09 in the Salah as Din Province to assist the Iraqi Government gain the confidence of the Iraqi people in preparation for transitioning control of Northern Iraq to Iraqis. During the deployment, the Bastogne Brigade enabled and developed the capabilities of over 20,000 Iraqi Security forces to protect the Iraqi population. 1st BCT reconnected the population with the government and assisted tribal and local leaders through the establishment of the Sons of Iraq groups. Violence and attacks dropped to record lows allowing for the return of basic services and confidence in the Iraqi government.

Today, the 1st BCT consists of six battalions and a headquarters company; to include the 1st BN, 327th IN “Above the Rest”, the 2nd BN, 327th IN “No Slack”, the 1st SQDN, 32nd CAV “Bandits”, the 2nd BN, 320th FA “Balls of the Eagle”, the 426th BSB “Taskmasters”, and the 1st BSTB “Spartans”. From its inception, the Bastogne Brigade Combat Team has played a vital role in numerous combat and non-combat operations. Its long and decorated history serves as a reminder of the countless Bastogne Soldiers who have given their lives in defense of democracy and freedom around the world. The Bastogne Brigade continues to be ready to deploy worldwide in the defense of the United States and out allies.

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