H&HC and/or B Co. Pictures

327 Infantry Veterans

2/327th Infantry “No Slack” Vietnam

H&HC and/or B Co. Pictures from May 1967

Courtesy of Ed Worman

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I have Nick Gerasimof identified but none of the others. Only by luck did I have Doc and Nick’s names on the backs of photos that I sent home. I was hoping that once the other photos got to your association someone would recognize the others. The time must have been around May 1967 since Doc writes that he returned stateside in mid-June. The area was northwest of Tuy Hoa, I believe. That was my first time out with the infantry. I was all of 18 years, six months old. Nick and Doc were friendly to me. Remember, we photographers did not “embed” at that time. Mostly we were resented. I can understand why to a degree. And the writer whom I accompanied then never returned to the field again. I was there until March 1969. Was wounded twice. Lost four friends KIA and another badly wounded and sent home. We did our jobs. And yes, there were guys who went out once, got back to base and never left it again. The grunts did not have that choice, of course. So I can see the source of some resentment. Ah well, long ago….

More photos to follow when I get them scanned. Ed Worman

If you can ID any of these troopers, PLEASE contact: hannibal@327infantry.org

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