
327 Infantry Veterans

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333 entries.
Malia Blaikie Malia Blaikie from Indiana wrote on May 25, 2023 at 7:57 am
Would like any information about my Father. Gary Rone from Indiana.

A company 1/327 1966-1968

Killed in an industrial accident when he was 25 as a civilian.

Thank you
Malia Blaikie
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Norm Nicholson Norm Nicholson from Jansen Nebraska wrote on April 20, 2023 at 6:03 pm
Looking for anyone who may have served with my friend that I grew up with


April 20, 2023 at 1:19 pm
Looking for any buddyโ€™s of Gary Lee (โ€œButchโ€) Cross to get back to me.
he was KIA April 9, 1969.
We were best friends, and grew up together in Hopkins Missouri. I have conflicting accounts of how Butch was killed. itโ€™s been over 54 years, needing closure about this. Any other comments or photos would be precious to me. Thank you all, and welcome home!
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Norm Nicholson Norm Nicholson from Jansen Nebraska wrote on April 20, 2023 at 5:44 pm
April 20, 2023 at 1:19 pm
Looking for any buddyโ€™s of Gary Lee (โ€œButchโ€) Cross to get back to me.
he was KIA April 9, 1969.
We were best friends, and grew up together in Hopkins Missouri. I have conflicting accounts of how Butch was killed. itโ€™s been over 54 years, needing closure about this. Any other comments or photos would be precious to me. Thank you all, and welcome home!
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John Flynn John Flynn wrote on March 31, 2023 at 9:58 am

I am trying to find some info on my uncle Robert Flynn who was a medic or a medical orderly in the 327th his name was (he passed a few years ago) Robert Flynn of Arlington Ma.
Thank you John Flynn
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Ron Williamson Ron Williamson wrote on March 12, 2023 at 3:25 pm
served feb 71-jan72 1/327 as11B D & C co. Cpt. Quigley plt. leader
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Patrick H Graves Jr Patrick H Graves Jr wrote on March 8, 2023 at 8:05 am
I see a post from Jerry Aggson. Were you B/1/327 in Vietnam from July 65-July 66?

If so, email me at I have some stories that mention you.
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Alex E Alex E from Paul Smithโ€™s New York wrote on February 23, 2023 at 6:37 pm
Looking for anybody in H&HC 2/327th 65-67 who wouldโ€™ve known my great uncle. He was in H&HC. Please navigate to H&HC 2/327 tab, scroll down to Sgt. Hines Combat Photographer and check. Would love to hear from anyone that knew him thank you. He is Daniel Hines, he died a few years back.
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Phil Pall Phil Pall from Burnet Texas wrote on January 26, 2023 at 4:03 pm
I am a county veterans services officer (retired navy diver but successfully fell out of planes at Ft Benning in 1985) and am helping a veteran who was in A Co 1/327, DD214 says CIB and VN service 19Jan71-22Jun71. During Lamson 719. He was just 21 and they threw him and another guy on the freedom bird and he was discharged out of Ft Lewis that same day. Early out for (School Release). 11B40 Lt Wpns Inf.

Did anybody know Bruce Fowler from Warren, Ohio?
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Morris Thomas Morris Thomas from Farmington Hills,Mi wrote on January 21, 2023 at 12:26 am
HHC, Co B 1/327 Weapons Platoon
Brave Rifle Platoon Photo
Iโ€™m Still Hereโ€ฆcurrently fighting VA for compensation since 1983. If any of you are still around I would like to hear from you.
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Eugens S. Lee Eugens S. Lee wrote on January 16, 2023 at 7:44 am
I was Plt Leader A/2/327 from Dec 68 to Aug 69. As circumstances evolved I lead all three Platoons. In May 69 in the Ashau Valley, I had a 155mm friendly fire incident. The most seriously wounded was a PFC Ringl, 2d platoon. He was dying in my arms, mostly from shock. I slapped and beat him in the face and luckily revived him, screaming for him not to quit as no one quits on me. Thanks to two very brave Dustoff pilots who flew in after dark without gunship cover, I got all of my wounded out.
Late May 69 I received a letter from PFC Ringl, postmarked (Air?) Force Postal Service APO96267, return address โ€œ249th Gen Hospital, APO 96267, Ward 884Cโ€. He thanked me for beating his face and saving his life, (this is my most precious possession from Vietnam). I believe he wrote this left handed as his right was horribly wounded. Any help finding him would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Eugene S Lee
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