
327 Infantry Veterans

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Eugens S. Lee Eugens S. Lee wrote on January 16, 2023 at 7:44 am
I was Plt Leader A/2/327 from Dec 68 to Aug 69. As circumstances evolved I lead all three Platoons. In May 69 in the Ashau Valley, I had a 155mm friendly fire incident. The most seriously wounded was a PFC Ringl, 2d platoon. He was dying in my arms, mostly from shock. I slapped and beat him in the face and luckily revived him, screaming for him not to quit as no one quits on me. Thanks to two very brave Dustoff pilots who flew in after dark without gunship cover, I got all of my wounded out.
Late May 69 I received a letter from PFC Ringl, postmarked (Air?) Force Postal Service APO96267, return address “249th Gen Hospital, APO 96267, Ward 884C”. He thanked me for beating his face and saving his life, (this is my most precious possession from Vietnam). I believe he wrote this left handed as his right was horribly wounded. Any help finding him would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Eugene S Lee
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