
327 Infantry Veterans

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Harry Jack Fletcher Harry Jack Fletcher from Flower Mound wrote on November 20, 2022 at 12:42 am
I was there at My Phu on March 4th, 1966 with B company. I shot one NVA after he and another walked in front my position thinking that all four of us were dead. I was surprised but fired a burst of automatic fire from M16 and wounded one. His buddy dragged him around the house and shoved him in a newly dug bunker behind that house. We fought our was into the deserted village and made a turn to the right clearing old shelters dug into the floors of the hoothes with grenades as we went. We came to an open area about fifty yards away with small trees and bushes planted in the top of an old paddy dike. we were taking a lot of fire from that NVA position. I killed three in one position by shooting them in the head as they appeared to be observing for a machine gun or a sniper. I would shoot and he would be replaced by another until I had shot all three. Next day there were five bodies found in that position by other troopers searching for dead NVA. There were dead NVA scattered all around and lots of blood trails leading away from My Phu. Next day I found a very professionally dug heavy machine gun position dug about 40 meters to the left front on my initial position as we approached through an old village graveyard.a The M60 ran to the right flank was laying a base of fire. Graham was either killed or wounded as we ran to that position. Later Jack Lindsey was shot and killed as we were laying down a base of fire. The ammo was gone, there was a wounded NCO near me, Jack was dead and I had only 25 rounds left for the gun.

As I said the NVA MG pit was well dug and placed but there were no empty casings in the position or near but only one live round which appeared to have ejected by the MG. I informed the Lt. and he everyone line and drag the pond behind the gun pit. First pass they found the wheeled mount for a heavy MG and second pass they found the gun.
Later, I saw mounds of American web gear and learned that it was from ABU's casualties. I want to say a word about our medic Norman Buell, hero in anyone's book. He came to my position on the right flank under intense and heavy fire to check Jack but he was dead, treated the wounded NCO, and gave a me a verbal kick in the ass to get back on the gun when more ammunition arrived. I later learned he was killed by a stray bullet while treating wounded in triage. He was brave medic and a damn good man! War always takes the best!
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