
327 Infantry Veterans

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admin admin wrote on March 26, 2003 at 7:52 pm
Name: charlotte kiser
Hometown: olive hill, ky
Sent: 4.23 pm - wed 26 mar 2003

Hope how soon this is over for all of you and you all can come home safe to your Familey ,s God go with you all charlotte
Name: Max
Hometown: Jackpot, Nevada
Sent: 2.57 pm - wed 26 mar 2003

Jeremiah, I am a chat friend of your Mother, a very sweet lady, and to you and all of the 101st, you are all very brave men and women, and have the respect of all the American people for the job you are doing and for the cause you are fighting for, our Freedom; my thoughts and prayers are with you all. Remember, we are all with you in Spirit. We love and care for you all, be safe. A friend Max!!
Name: Reva Bohy
Hometown: Lake, Michigan
Sent: 2.09 pm - wed 26 mar 2003

Dear Men that are so bravely serving our country. My thoughts and prays are with you. So my daughter will be leaving for boot camp and when she finally joins you in you quest for peace I do pray that you watch over her for me. Thank you for you commitment to freedom. May God watch over you and your families in this time of woe.
Name: Rhonda Jordal
Hometown: Forest City Iowa
Sent: 1.16 pm - wed 26 mar 2003

Hello, My son Steen is fighting in Iraq. He is with the 101st Airborne Air Assault 1st Bde. I also have two brothers in Army, one is also in Iraq fighting the other is in Germany. And my husband has a cousin with the 101st Airborne. We are thinking of all the troops daily and are soooo proud of all of them and the job they are doing! Go Screaming Eagles!
Name: Emily Dewey
Hometown: Lake Michigan
Sent: 1.16 pm - wed 26 mar 2003

Hey Jeremiah... i want you to know that i pray for you and everyone every night... I just know you will be home...So i can see your smiling face.. I love you and you are one of my best friends.. I miss you so much...But i am verry proud of you... Keep up the good work.... I love you more then anything keep your head up
Your Sister Emily I LOVE YOU!!!
Name: Jason Rumfelt
Hometown: WinstonSalem NC
Sent: 1.11 pm - wed 26 mar 2003

God bless each and everyone of our troop!!!!
I am praying for each one of u.. You are the people that make me proud to be an american!!!!! GO AND GET HIM BOYS AND GIRLS!!!! GOD BLESS YOU!!!!
Name: Janice Allen
Hometown: Lampasas, Texas
Sent: 12.51 pm - wed 26 mar 2003

I support the troops and hope you come back safe and well. God bless and take care!
Name: Mike Allen
Hometown: Seattle, Washington
Sent: 12.37 pm - wed 26 mar 2003

We missed you. We hope you come home soon from Iraq!! God Bless All USA Troops!!
We still love you !!! 🙂
Name: Diana
Hometown: Copperas Cove, TX
Sent: 12.35 pm - wed 26 mar 2003

You are never forgotten!

God Bless America and all those who serve her!!

Name: Mike Garceau
Hometown: Southbridge Massachusetts
Sent: 12.29 pm - wed 26 mar 2003

Hey Jeremiah and fellow "Freedom Fighters".. Just letting you know that I support you and what you're doing 100%!! GO GET THE BASTARDS!!! KICK SOME SADDAM INSANE ASS!!!! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!
Name: Ken Neeley
Hometown: Oxford, Michigan
Sent: 12.19 pm - wed 26 mar 2003

My son is with the 1/327th, Bravo Company in Iraq right now...I am organizing a HUUUUGE Support our Troops Rally here in Michigan.
I would like to discuss your participation in this rally but can find no contact info....please e-mail me.
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