
327 Infantry Veterans

327th Infantry


by Bill Fowler/Larry Evans

This is a song that two of our own, Bill Fowler and Larry Evans had written for “Cobra” Company. It is a favorite at our reunion every year At Ken & Angie’s. This song not only shows the talent Bill and Larry have, but expresses the feelings we all have for the men mentioned in the song and for each other, for this we thank you.
“Above the Rest”

We are the mighty Airborne of Cobra Company
We are the best-Above the Rest-as any man can see
The one “0” first will quench its thirst
From blood of all VC
With mighty cries and heads held high
We will claim our victories

We landed down in Cam Ranh Bay on July 28
From there we started heading north to sew up Charlies fate
We kicked his ass at An Khe Pass
And Qui Nhon was the same
the lives of those who we have lost
Will not have died in vain

The people told “King Cobra” of rice that Charlie saved
He stole it from the people who worked for it like slaves
So Cobra had a mission; of stealing from the Cong
Got seven thousand tons of rice
And made Charlie change his song

While one night we were resting
And eating ration steak
The VC were at Go Boi
And trouble he could make

Put Cobras on the choppers
Before the morning sun
And crossed that dangerous river
One more battle fought and won
With VC gone from Bo Boi

And peace around Qui Nhon
They sent us down to Phan Rang
To have some rest and fun
But two weeks past; and just as fast
We were packed and gone
To save the small town of Ben Cat
And to kill more Viet Cong

Captain DeGraw took us into Cam Ran Bay
and the Westmoreland told him
You’ve got some Cong to Slay
He took us into Qui Nhon
And there we did our best
We thanks you oh our captain
You are “Above the Rest”

Then came Captain Johnson
Who took us to An Khe
And there we really kicked some ass
You brought us back to Phan Rang
And gave us needed rest
We’ll not forget your spirit
And we wish you all the best

And through the gloomy battles
There was a special one
A man who taught us right from wrong
And how the job is done
We’re talking ” Top McDonald”
Who helped us to survive
We won’t forget your courage
As long as we’re alive

The mighty Cold Steel Cobras
Are back at home today
But many of our numbers
Will never hear us say
We never will forget you
And your names will always be
Forever held inside our hearts
And Cobra Company

The Cobras that are still around
Have gone their separate ways
But once a year we gather round
And sing your glory praise
The Cobras who were with you
Have not forgot the past
But each of us has done our thing
To make our memories last

The sole surviving members of Cobra Company
Are out here in the world today
Just trying to be free
Some of us are on top of things
And some are getting by
But one thing that we all know well
Our spirit will not die

The IO1st is getting short; I’ts time to go back home
The IO1st is getting short and soon we will be gone
But if the cong should come again
When we have crossed the sea;
Just shoot a flare up in the air;
Foe Cobra Company.

Yippee-I-A Yippee-I-O
We’re the devils from the sky

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