A Paratrooper’s Boots

327 Infantry Veterans

327th Infantry

A Paratrooper's Boots

by Edith Montgomery

For Her Husband Lester Montgomery
On Their 42nd Wedding Anniversary
July 13, 1959 – July 13, 2000

You never said a word;
it was all in your smile.
I knew then Without a doubt that someday I would be your bride.

Coming up to me you quietly stole my heart.
One week later when we said our vows,
I knew we would never part.

The years have come and gone by weeks,
months, and days.
Forty-two years later I can look at you and say;

If you should go before I do,
please walk very slowly for I’ll be right behind you,
this much you should know.

There could never be another to stand by my side,
for I’ll love only you dear until the day I die.

Your Paratrooper Boots are gone now,
you had to throw them away,
but the footprint my darling is on my heart to stay.

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