2/327th Infantry “No Slack” Vietnam
2nd Battalion
2/327th Infantry “No Slack” Vietnam
When the going gets tough and you need someone to depend on, the 101st Airborne 327th Infantry, 2nd Battalion is “Second To None”.

These pages tell the stories of the men from the 2nd Battalion, the places they fought and the far away places where some of them died. There are stories from foxholes, helicopters, the jungle, the mud, the heat, and the rain. Some stories are funny, some are heartrending.
Christmas 1965

Top Row (L-R): LT Hess, LT Lloyd, Unk, LT Johnson, Unk, LT Andrews, LT Woods, LT Davis, LT Sierra, LT Ecklund. Middle Row (L-R): Mr. Carmody, Unk, CPT Mortenson, LT Hutchins, LT Towers, LT Roberts, LT Appuzzio, LT Price, LT Johnson, Unk. Bottom Row (L-R): LT Shepard, replacement 1st CAV, CPT Buchanan, replacement 1st CAV, LT Owens, MAJ Dyke, LTC Garten, LT Chritenson, LT Degraft, LT Hudson, LT Lehowicz, Unk, Chaplain (CPT) Harlee
No Slack Christmas in Kontum, 1966

LTC Edmond P. Abbod, Call Sign “Black Panther” commanded No Slack Dec ’66 – Sep ’67
LTC Don Rosenblum (Ret LTG), Call Sign “Thunderball” commanded No Slack 10 Jan ’67 – 12 May ’67
This website is also the gathering place for the men and their families to get together and go over past times, get healing for wounds, help others to heal…and just to have some good old fashioned fun times. If you served and you haven’t been to one of our reunions, you are missing out on some real good times. If you just need some research for a class project, we trust we have helped your comprehension of our place in history.
Spend some time, look around…if you can’t find what you are looking for then drop us a line at this e-mail link and we will be certain to respond. Please visit our guest book, your comments and suggestions are always appreciated.
Christmas In The Central Highlands

1st row (L to R): T. Furgeson, S-1; J. Rafferty, S-2; R. Damrill, S-3; M. Rosenstein, XO; J. Simpson, S-4; D. Finnegan, S-5; R. Heim, Chaplain 2d row: (L to R): Left, J. Dorsey; 4th from left, R. Davis; Last, W. Charleton, Medic/S-1 3rd row: (L to R): 4th from left, P. Pepper, Co A; 5th, R. Schonberger, HHC; 6th, W. Rovan, Co A; 7th, D. Rosenblum, Bn Cdr, call sign: Thunderball; 8th, R. Rondiak, Co B; 9th, F. Hilliard, Co C Dick Schonberger
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