Vietnam 2nd battalion
Jim Wurm
D Company 1970 – 1971

Jim is a very sick man and I just wanted him to find some of the guys he served with. He has illnesses related to AO, PTSD, and short term memory loss. He has a CIB badge and was awarded a Bronze Star w/v device. Somehow it did not get put on his DD214 and I have written the Personnel records asking for it to be issued but without someone knowing about it that he served with to confirm his claim it is fruitless.
We had a house fire and lost everything including his medals, but they were replaced according to what is on his DD214’s. I know he was awarded the Bronze Star b/c I saw the paper work on it. It came with an award letter, but it did burn in the fire. Jim said if he can’t get it back at this point it does not matter b/c in his heart he knows how he got it but anyway I will try to answer the questions the best that I can.
Rhonda Wurm