Vietnam 2nd battalion
Rich Walsh
C Company 1967 – 1968

Attended Basic and AIT in Feb. ’66 at Fort Dix. In June, Jump School at Fort Benning. Went to Fort Campbell and the A-1/502nd in July. June of 1967 was sent to Vietnam and was assigned to the second platoon of C-2/327th. Returning in July of ’68, went to the 82d Airborne at Bragg, earning my freedom that following February.
Boston Fire Fighter, July 1971 with Engine 52. 1977 Ladder 29. In 1983, a Fire Lieutenant with Rescue 2. February 2001, still with Rescue 2 and two more years to retirement.
Adjutant and Treasurer of Silver Star Chapter #3 D.A.V. Boston, Mass. Also, Past Commander.
Three Children, three grandchildren and my wife, Judie.
Over my office door is a sign, “If You Ain’t Airborne, You Ain’t Shit.”