Vietnam 1st Battalion
Robert Joseph Tindall
A Company 1967 – 1968

It is a long shot, but I thought I would try. My father, SP5/SGT Robert J. Tindall, was with the 101st in Vietnam from Sep 67 – Oct 68.
My father has never spoken about his time in Vietnam for the most part, but now he is terminally ill with cancer (angiosarcoma) which is agent orange linked. He can’t really communicate that well since they have removed his nose, portions of his lips, etc.
I was talking about my 2 deployments to Iraq with the 1st CAV and then asked my father who he served with in Vietnam. He said he had all his patches sewn on for the 173rd and when he got in country was told he was going to the 101st due to personnel losses. He stated that he went to ACO, 1-327th and that he had a big old “black guy” as his commander. From your website I see a CPT Johnson (black) which appears to be the ACO commander.
My Mom still has my father’s Speical Orders – Extract from the HQ, 101st Airborne, APO San Francisco which show he returned to Ft. Bragg, NC approximately 15Oct68 (DEROS).
I have a few photos of him in Vietnam wearing he is sitting in bamboo with a camou beret on with subdued 101st patch, bandoleer, and his weapons and a few with his squad. One which looks like his DEROS photo he is wearing a boonie hat with what looks like a 101st pin and the “No Slack” scroll, but hard to tell.
Just trying to see if anyone remembers him or his service in country?
Robert L. Tindall
Ft. Benning, GA
Thanks for the help, it would be great if someone remembers my Dad, and is willing to share at least a few details about where in Vietnam he was and what he did there. If not, it was worth a try.
My Dad’s info-
Name: Robert Joseph Tindall
From: Sweetwater, Texas (Born and raised)
Born: 20 Jun 1946
Vietnam: Oct 67 – Sep 68
Unit: ACO, 1-327th, 101st Abn
Physical: 6’4″, aprox. 180lbs, brown hair and hazel eyes.
The DEROS photo (attached) is the one that appears to have a Scroll of some sort below the 101st pin. My Mom is supposed to bring me the remainder of my Dad’s photos next month.
Unfortunately the doctors don’t think my Dad is going to make it to see his 66th birthday since the cancer has spread to his brain. I’m just proud that he is my father and that I am a 4th generation combat veteran.
Thanks again for the help!
Rob Tindall
One last email….my Dad passed this morning 10 Apr 2012.
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