Project Name
Thornton, Mil
1st Battalion,ABU Troops
Vietnam 1st Battalion
Mil Thornton
A Company 1970 – 1971

I found this site while planning for a motorcycle ride from California to the Vietnam Memorial Wall. I’ve been trying to locate others that I served with for many years. This is a great site.
I was with A Company 1/327 1st platoon from Aug. of 1970 to Sept. of 1971, as an RTO the majority of the time. I have many memories that I would like to share with brother vets from the same battalion. Thanks for helping to fulfill a task that I have had for such a long time.
I live in Orange, California, married to same girl while I was in Viet Nam. We have 2 sons, 30 and 21.
Looking forward to hearing from others.
Mil Thornton
click on images