Storrie, James A.

327 Infantry Veterans - Vietnam War
Project Name
Storrie, James A.
1st Battalion,ABU Troops

Vietnam 1st Battalion

James A. Storrie

A Company 1970 – 1971

I arrived Camp Eagle 10/12/70. MOS was 11C, but I was not needed in that MOS, so I went to the field as an 11B. Became RTO around Thanksgiving, was present the day Anthony Brese was killed. I believe I was RTO for 1st platoon, but not sure. Was also present when 2nd platoon was hit with friendly fire a day or 2 after Christmas 1970. Stayed RTO for awhile, not sure how long. When CPT Niskanen came on board I became his RTO. I’m pretty sure I trained John Lesher to be my replacement as RTO. Battallion CO asked CPT Niskanen if I would be the battalion RTO, but I turned that job down. I couldn’t see flying around with a light colonel.

Went on R&R in June 1971. When I returned 1st SGT James Clark asked me to take the SGT’s board which I did and was promoted to SGT in August. CPT Niskanen asked me to go to the rear in late August to take over company clerk’s job because our clerk did a miserable job. CPT Niskanen asked me to compete for Soldier of the Month for 1st Brigade, which I did, and won. He did it to boost morale for the company. Left Camp Eagle and Phu Bai on 10/22/71. Assigned 1st INF DIV, Fort Riley, KS. Discharged sometime in February 1972.

I’m married to Tammy with one daughter, Lana.

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