Vietnam 2nd battalion
David Stoddard
C, E Companies 1968 – 1969

I came to Viet Nam in April 68. I was assigned to 2/327 C Company for the first 5 months in country, and than went to the mortar section for while. I later was assigned as E Company armorer, where I served the rest of my extended time of tour.
I joined the Army Reserves in 1972 and retired as 1SG of C Co 3rd Bn 3r Inf Bde. My primary MOS was mortars, but served in many assignments during my career, which would not be possible in todays Army. I was Supply Sgt, Bde Commo SGT, NCOIC Information Management Div HQ, Squad Leader, Plt SGT, and more not mentioned. I truly enjoyed the people I served with and have many fond memories. I would like to have access to morning reports of the time I served in the three positions in order to remember some of the names of people I served with.