Vietnam 2nd battalion
Dennis Spohn
B Company 1968 – 1969

I was with B 2/327 December 68 until July 69. I was injured, Purple Heart. Could not return to field. I was transferred to 101st Admin Co. for remainder of my tour. Only guy in the Admin Co. with JUMP WINGS and CIB. No Ranger Tab. I am in the process of filing a PTSD claim with the VA. But every name and dates are a blank to me. I can’t hardly remember anything after being hurt at FB Berchtesgaden. I even went the the web site “The Wall” which lists every name on the wall. I spent 6 hours comparing every 101st guy killed in 1969 to see if I could remember any names. After this I was in tears, and had to see VA Counselor next day. Such a shame all our young buddies give so much and some gave all and for what? Welcome home brother and stay strong.
About 15 years ago I was the 327 Representative on the National Board of 101st Association. I was also President of the Southeastern Pa. Chapter 101st Assoc for 4 years.