Vietnam 2nd battalion
Richard N. ``Doc`` Sciulli
A Company 1970 – 1971

I was a combat medic assigned to 1st Platoon, A Co., 2/327 Infantry “No Slack”, during the months: May – Dec 1970, under the brilliant leadership of Captain, Art Pappas.
I was awarded the Combat Medical Badge (CMB) and Bronze Star. I was on 19 air assault missions. However, I was not awarded an Air Medal (needed 25 missions to qualify).
After Vietnam, I re-enlisted (1972), @ Ft Campbell KY, and was accepted and graduated (1973) from 91C, Clinical Specialist School, Letterman Army Medical Center (6th Army HQ), Presidio, San Francisco CA. I was later stationed @ Ft Rucker, AL 1974 @ Lyster Army Hospital and then stationed @ Ft Meade MD. 1975 (10th Combat Support Hospital / 702nd Medical Clearing (MASH).ll
After the fall of Saigon (Apr 1975), I was deployed to Guam where I was awarded the Humanitarian Service Medal for my role in “Operation New Life” (Apr thru July 75’). We provided medical care for approx 111,000 Vietnamese Refugees who were housed in tents for process and resettlement to the U.S.
I went on to make a career in the Army where I served a total of 23 years. I did not attend Jump School nor Ranger School.
In addition to Vietnam, I served two separate tours in Germany (1976 – 1979), @ Nuremberg Army Hospital and again (1990-91), 97th General Hospital, Frankfurt during Desert Shield/ Desert Storm campaign where we treated wounded casualties from the Iraq war.
In 1982 -83’, I was stationed in S Korea (2nd Infantry Div), in charge of Delta Co Medical Platoon @ Camp Edwards. It was the forward, most deployed Army Medical Unit located 9 km south of the DMZ.
Afterward, I was stationed @ Ft Benning GA, (34th Med Battalion), & Martin Army Hospital where I retired in 1992.
I am currently living in Midland GA, with my beautiful wife, Shelley, whom I love dearly and am indebted to for all my success and happiness. We have now been married (blessed), 52 years.
This past year (June 21, 2021), @ Ft Campbell KY during “Week of the Eagles” celebration, the 101st Abn Div posthumously awarded myself along with approx 400 Vietnam and Iraq “Desert Storm” vets who qualified, the coveted Air Assault Badge; an honorary badge which was then not in existence during Vietnam and Iraq wars. On receiving this honor, I was visibly moved & humbled as I reflected on all my Vietnam warrior brothers whom I was privileged to serve alongside, protect and preserve the fighting force.
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