Vietnam 1st Battalion
Donald B. Rowley
A Company 1968 – 1969

My name is Donald V. Rowley and I am writing to give you some info on my father Donald B. Rowley that served with the 101st 327th ABU Company in Vietnam. I know he served with you guys from the info on his DD-214 and also I found his challenge coin that stated “327th” and “Above the Rest”. I also know he was ABU because I can remember him talking about it and describing the conglomerate of animals creating the creature that is the ABU. I also have a picture he took of the ABU Mascot amongst others in his photos from Vietnam.
Unfortunately, my father passed away 11-1-2005 due to complications stemming from “Agent Orange” exposure. That is why my interest has been peaked in his military history let alone the pride I have in his service. I also wanted to make sure he was given credit due for serving honorably in the units he was in. Especially after his final rights were fouled up so bad, (his Taps and his “21 Gun” salute was a recording played over a loud speaker in the courtyard). His remains are interned at Eagle Point National Cemetery in Eagle Point, Oregon.
I was writing and searching the 327th web site in hopes of contacting some people that may have known him in those years.
Thank You Donald V. Rowley,
Son of SSGT. Donald B. Rowley
Email for contacting Don’s son,