Vietnam 1st Battalion
Billy R. Robbins
A Company 1965 – 1966

I was a boat trooper — Leroy Eltinge
Jump school at Ft Campbell Jan 1958;
RECONDO graduate April 1960 at Campbell;
Master Parachutist Badge;
Pitched 6 years for the 327 baseball team;
Spent 7 years in ABU Company;
Was a Staff Sgt, M60- squad leader in VN, Abu Company, 1-327;
Attended OCS at Ft. Benning in 1968;
Was an instructor in the US Army’s Ranger Department at Ft. Benning for a year as a 2Lt.;
Second tour of duty in S VN as a recon platoon Ldr, 1-20 BN, 11th Bde, 23 Inf Div (Americal
Div) June 69 to Nov 69 — then as 1Lt, Coordinator of the Kit Carson Scout School, Chu Lai,
Americal Div;
Silver Star, Arcom W/V Device, and Legion of Merit;
Retired after 30 years as a LTC. Wrote a book about Abu Company at Campbell, and in S VN;
Preparing to write another book about ABU Company at Campbell and South Vietnam — need more stories and photos from 1-327 troopers — pass the word.