Richards, Brien “Rich”

327 Infantry Veterans
Project Name
Richards, Brien “Rich”
1st Battalion,Cobra Troops

Vietnam 1st Battalion

Brien ``Rich`` Richards

C Company 1966

I spent time in “C”, 1/327, right after I got to VN. I was only with that unit about 30 days and then got transferred to Recondos.

I was with the 1st BDE, 101st from 1966 to 1967, September to September.

I was in the Recondo Platoon, HHC, 2/502nd INF, 1st BDE, 101st ABN Div.

I was on line for 10 1/2 months of my 12 tour, I got malaria and ghosted for about 3 weeks in early June. Other than that, I was “On Line”. I walked point for the Recondos for 9 1/2 months of my 10 1/2 months on line.

I found this site quite by accident. I was looking for some old friends who survived the war and now I would like to see them again. I am so very sorry to hear about Ms. Pattersons brother. I had many “brothers” who went home in body bags; more than I care to remember. I have visited them at the wall in 1993.

It is good to see a site that is dedicated to the 101st, in VN! They are far and few between. The Brigade kicked butt! We were different than the Division unit they brought over. We did without so much that Division brought with them. The Brigade was a double tough and resourceful unit. We paid some heavy dues!

Nickname “Rich”, SP/4
Point man for the 3rd squad, second section,”
Recondo Platoon

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