Raymond, Fred

327 Infantry Veterans - Vietnam War
Project Name
Raymond, Fred
1st Battalion,ABU Troops,Cobra Troops,H&HC Troops,Tiger Troops

Vietnam 1st Battalion

Fred Raymond

C, H & H (TF), A Companies 1968 – 1969


I arrived in RVN as a 2LT in January 1968 and was assigned as the Platoon Leader for the 3rd Platoon of C Company. I served there from January through April 1968. I then served as the Platoon Leader of the Tiger Force from May to September of 1968. From October to January 1968 I was the S-3 (Air) for the battalion. Upon my return from my extension leave in February 1969 I was assigned as the Company Commander for HHC. In March of 1969 I was promoted to Captain and became the Company Commander for Company A and I served in that capacity until August 1969 when I returned to the states.

I retired in December of 2001 as a Major General with my last assignment as the Deputy Commanding General for the ARNG with the US Army Forces Command at Ft MacPherson, Georgia.

click on image

LT. Fred Raymond holding can on Hill 282