Vietnam 2nd battalion
Scott Rapier
C Company 1966 – 1967

I served with 2/327th “C” Company 2nd Platoon from 6-12-66 till 6-12-67. Last month, May to June, was at Cam Rahn Bay for malaria. I arrived right after the battle ( Trung Luong ) as a replacement. When I got there the ones who had come over with the unit were Sgt. Huckleberry, Goint ( M-60 ) from Philly, Sistrunk From the South also a PIG man, Sgt. Cambell from Tenn. one of the first Snipers we had. And a guy by the name of Teal. When these folks left, we had Thomas ( Moose ) Hoeneges from Springfield, Ill. ( KIA ), Sam Greer from Chicago ( State Trooper- Ill. ). Lyle Scott Dye from Long Beach, Ca. Also, Kirk from Ca. ( KIA ), Terry Potts, and Nickle from Mich who is on the site.
These were the best people you could ever know. It was only a year but it was something that lasts forever. I am trully blessed to be in the same unit with all of you. I believe that if it were any other outfit….someone else would be writing this note.