Vietnam 2nd battalion
Ted Radai
C Company 1970 – 1971

1. Graduate of the Infantry NonCommission Officer Course, Ft Benning, GA Jan 1970 (yes, I was a “shake n bake”).
2. Completed the Airborne Course, Ft Benning, GA Feb 1970
3. Assigned to A Co, 2/60th 9th Inf Div May 70 – Sep 70
4. I was assigned to C Co, 2/327th 101st ABN Div Sep 70 – Apr 71
5. I do have a CIB
6. I did not have a nick name
7. I spent time with two platoons in C Co.
Some of the nick names I remember were Angel, Buffalo (who passed away a couple of years ago), J.C., Ricky Rivas, Timothy Leary
I got out of the army April 71 and join the Reserve’s in 1975. I switched from Infantry to MI. During the first Gulf War (1991) I became an AGR and I’m currently stationed at Fort Belvoir, VA.