Vietnam 1st Battalion
Ken Potts
C Company 1966 – 1967

I entered the Army on 28 June 1965 at Ft. Knox Kentucky and retired on 2 February 1987 at Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo.
I served with the 101st at Ft. Campbell from May to November 1966 with B Troop 2/17th Cav. I volunteered for Vietnam and joined the 1st brigade in December 1966. I was with C/1/327th from December 1966 through December 1967. I was in Weapons Platoon the whole time. I was a grenadier.
I was with Henderson who was my hooch mate in Kontum when he was killed. I was WIA during the same firefight. I was one of the few from my squad not killed or wounded at “Mother’s Day Hill.” I would like to hear from anyone who served with me during that time or anyone in the platoon who remembers the old times both good and bad. I especially remember Nick Serabia (WIA) and our Native American pointman Wingo. Carmen Gangi and Capt. Northquest (The best CO I ever had) Dan Grossman and Cordero. There were others and I have good memories of all of you.