Porter, Bill

327 Infantry Veterans - Vietnam War
Project Name
Porter, Bill
2nd Battalion,B Company

Vietnam 2nd battalion

Bill Porter

B Company 1966 – 1967


I went to Vietnam Nov. 66 but didn’t get to the 101st until Dec. or Jan. 67. I was assigned to B Co. 2/327th. We were at Kontom at the time. We went on one or two operations then made a jump into a dry rice paddy, lots of fun but too windy that day.

After that we moved back to Phan Rang for a stand down, then down to Than Thiet. That was the worst area I can remember because of the terrain, thorns and no water. I think we were only there a few weeks but it was a few weeks too long.

From there we moved to different places, I don’t even know where we were. Tuy Hoa was one of those places though. At some time we went to Duc Pho. We operated from Duc Pho for quite a while it seemed. The frequency of contact increased too. I was WIA with a frag wound in Aug. 67.

Shortly after that we moved to Chu Lai. Contact kept increasing. I remember more and more boots, rifles, and helmets at the memorials in the base camp. Oct. 67 was a costly month for all of the 2/327th. I had been RTO in 2nd plt. but in Oct. I became RTO in the CP group with Capt. Millard. In Oct. 67 I was WIA, bullet this time. I left B Co. on a Huey that was bringing A Co. in to help us.

I will never forgot the finest group of officers and men that was the 1st. Brigade 101st Airborne. They will always be part of my family.

Bill in 1967, probably West of Duc Pho

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