Vietnam 2nd battalion
Bill Porter
B Company 1966 – 1967

I went to Vietnam Nov. 66 but didn’t get to the 101st until Dec. or Jan. 67. I was assigned to B Co. 2/327th. We were at Kontom at the time. We went on one or two operations then made a jump into a dry rice paddy, lots of fun but too windy that day.
After that we moved back to Phan Rang for a stand down, then down to Than Thiet. That was the worst area I can remember because of the terrain, thorns and no water. I think we were only there a few weeks but it was a few weeks too long.
From there we moved to different places, I don’t even know where we were. Tuy Hoa was one of those places though. At some time we went to Duc Pho. We operated from Duc Pho for quite a while it seemed. The frequency of contact increased too. I was WIA with a frag wound in Aug. 67.
Shortly after that we moved to Chu Lai. Contact kept increasing. I remember more and more boots, rifles, and helmets at the memorials in the base camp. Oct. 67 was a costly month for all of the 2/327th. I had been RTO in 2nd plt. but in Oct. I became RTO in the CP group with Capt. Millard. In Oct. 67 I was WIA, bullet this time. I left B Co. on a Huey that was bringing A Co. in to help us.
I will never forgot the finest group of officers and men that was the 1st. Brigade 101st Airborne. They will always be part of my family.

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