Vietnam 2nd battalion
Danny ``Duck`` Pitman
C Company 1966 – 1967

Danny passed away 3-9-21 and will be sorely missed!
Arrived in Nam Nov. 27, 1966. Assigned to C Co. 2/327, 4th Plt. First operation area Kontum and every place else from north to south, east to west. Last operation area was in the Chu Lai area. I also served with Top Benson. Best First Sergeant I ever had. Also was there when he went down in that bird. The men who served under him had the highest respect for that soldier. If anyone needs more info, please contact me.
DEROSED Nov. 27, 1967. Became a Legg (not my choice). Stationed in Germany (four tours). One tour in Korea. My last duty station was Fort Stewart, Ga. Retired May 30, 1990.
Gave our great country twenty four years of service. I’ve been a Police Officer for the past eleven years with the Liberty County Sheriff Dept., Hinesville, Ga.
I have two sons. My oldest is with the great Master above. And my youngest became a Sky Soldier (proud dad). On that day became a Master Blaster…at this point he is in school working on his Masters Degree.
I was born and raised in Boston, Mass. and my mother and family still reside in Cambridge, Mass.
No Slack,