Vietnam 1st Battalion
Clark Phillips
A Company 1966 – 1967

Pvt.1ST Class Phillips A CO.1/327 3rd PLT Weapons Squad JULY ’66- JULY ’67, Mothers Day Hill, Christmas Night, ’66.
I actually busted my cherry after Mothers Day Hill in a little village named Kontum, somewhere in the Central Highlands. When I left RSVN in ’67 I was sent to Ft. Bragg to play war games. You know, bang bang you’re dead. Then the 82nd was deployed, I’ll never forget the look on Mr. Charles face when they tried to ambush the convoy going up the Big Red 1 to Hue, they didn’t know they were jumping some of the best paratroopers the Army had, and we were mad as hell being sent back TDY. We waxed Charlie’s little butt up and down the Central Highlands. Nice feeling to get back at VC after Mothers Day, Fire Base Birmingham and a few rice paddy battles, too many to remember. Welcome Home Troops where ever you are…Clark