I arrived in country 30 April 1966. Assigned to HHQ 2/327 and attached to B Co. 3rd. platoon as a Medic in Tuy Hoa. Humped around there for awhile breaking in all us new guys. Seemed like we were the 1st. replacements for all the 101 that came over on the boat. Late May or early June B Co. went to Dak To and humped those hills for awhile. I captured an NVA troop in some bombed out area while there. He was hiding in a cave I went to look over, he was quite sick and weak but scared the crap out of me. Then when A and C Co. and got hit in Tuy Hoa, I flew back there and made the assault on Hill 258 outside of Trung Luong. Got a Bronze Star for doing my job there and was down the road in Platoon CP when B Co. CP got overun in Sept. 1966. Made some trips to hump Kontum and Dak To. Back to humping Tuy Hoa I caught malaria about my 9th or 10th month in country and was at the hospital in Cam Rahn Bay for 40 days. Got out of the hospital and some Sgt. at 2/327 Bn. aid station who did not like me sent me out with A Co. instead of B Co. We were somewhere in the central highlands and got hit real hard by the NVA in an ambush. We killed an NVA scout, they killed a dog handler. Then all kinds of shit happened. I got out of there a couple of days later when we got resupplied. At the time I had only ten days left in the Army and got home 4 days later, around June 15, 1967.
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