Vietnam 1st Battalion
Gordy ``Doc`` Nelson
H & H, A Companies 1969 – 1970

I was in Headquarters Company 1/327 assigned to A Company 3rd Platoon Infantry as a medic in 1969-70. I just found this web link tonight (with the help of my wife . . . as this technology is pretty new to me).
I can’t believe all the interesting information that is included here! There are names listed here in this website that were names of guys in A Company when I was there . . . “Frog”, Mackie, Gallagher (we called him Pig Pen!), Pickarski. I wonder if these are the same people?! They must be! I can’t believe this! I have been looking through magazines for 30 years hoping to read/hear about someone I knew over there!
I was known as “Doc” (just like most medics were).

click on below images